Online Lecture on HK Probate

Our partners, Elsa & Rosa were invited to conduct a knowledge-sharing session on the intricate realms of Cross-border Intellectual Property and Outbound Investment Practices for Domestic Enterprises at ROJ (Reason of Justice) Law Firm in Dongguan on 16 August 2024 (Friday). This event offered valuable insights and expertise to fellow legal professionals in attendance.

The collaborative effort between ROJ Law Firm and us aimed to deepen the understanding of complex legal frameworks surrounding intellectual property rights and outbound investments, particularly in cross-border scenarios. Through our partners’ shared experiences and in-depth knowledge, attendees armed themselves with practical guidance and strategic perspectives essential for navigating the evolving landscape of international legal practices.

As the legal landscape continues to evolve, such collaborative initiatives play a crucial role in fostering industry knowledge exchange and professional growth. Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate further opportunities for sharing insights and fostering collaboration with legal professionals across different jurisdictions.

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